Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov. 12, 2012

Sorry this one is so late!  I had a crazy week and am just getting around to posting Andy's email.  He will be reading his emails tomorrow, so if you have a minute, drop him a quick line tonight!  

Dear Family,

First of all, I'm only allowed to write one email a week now, so sorry to those who won't get one, I can just talk to you in here. I have actually been fantastic this week, it really didn't take long to get over my problems, I just realized that everything was stemming from my inability to speak spanish. We are both focused on Christ and advancing the work, but my frustration over the language was kind of a roadblock. Just had to admit to myself I don't really speak spanish and get back to my old personality of chillin and laughing at everything. So, problem solved. Thanks for the advice though! 

Notwithstanding my having already said I don't speak well, I'm really pleased with my progress for having only been speaking two and a half months. I just want to be the best I can, and it's frustrating seeing where i will be able to be in another month or two. Patience.

As for the photos thing, that's another story... My camera got robbed in the CCM, don't really know by who, I doubt it was a missionary. BUt maybe it was just one of the contractors fixing the lights, checking to see what was in everyones lockers... Humbug. Maybe I lost it, but I don't think so.

Anyway, here's a list of things to know. I haven't got the package yet mom, but I guess packages here have to be under $40 in value or something weird happens to them. Also anyone who wants an easier way to write me letters physically can email them to this address,, with Elder Andrew Pyper as the subject. I found Batman and an ostrich in my bag while we were walking around, and that made me laugh. 

I realized the other day that someone needs to do a Come thou fount stars were gleaming mashup. I'm looking at you Dad. 

One more, can someone call Tinker and tell them I'm in Uruguay so I can use my card? I forgot to do that before I left.

So, here's the good stuff. The mission is a rough life. Filled with joy and the spirit, but it's all sandwiched in between cancelled appointments and secret girlfriends and seizures. We're finding it really hard to connect with any of our investigators, but regardless, I feel super happy now. This is really the best way anyone could spend their time. And the food here is sooooo good. Yeah, so I have also learned that eating about a pound of yogurt a day will not aid your digestive system in adapting to a new country. Really, food is just a problem. We take an hour for lunch and another for language study during their siesta, but we don't have dinner. So I've had to start improvising random stuff. Eggbread is an old favorite. Last night I made applerice with potatos, which was actually really good. Anyway, my comp is a stud at missionary work, but he surprises me by being alive with the amount of food he eats, and the quality thereof. So I'm basically on my own when it comes to providing for us.

Well, awesome, I'm gonna get off, cause it's been a turbulent pday, we're running out of time to do stuff. Allright, love you all, Ciao!

Elder Andy

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