Friday, February 15, 2013

February 12, 2013

Hi dad.

That is just some sad sad news. I do not like to hear about missionaries dying. I'm fairly certain that I've got more to do after my mission, cause I can feel angels walking by me from time to time. They say the devil lives in Carmen, and I believe them. But there's missionaries there too. It's a battle. Speaking of the OKC mission, keep an eye out for Elder Cutler. Tell him I said hi.

Well, I am coming off the absolute worst week of my mission, haha. It all started with surgery in a south american hospital... It was absolutely the scariest experience of my life. After waiting for more than two hours, the doctor told me to take off my shoe, took a look at my toe for like three seconds, and told me to put my shoe back on and follow him to the "operating room." It just went downhill from there. Apparently the south american method of solving an ingrown toenail is to cut off half the toenail and kill the nailbed with a razor. So, they did that. It hurt a little. But it was almost an instant fix, so that's cool. Now I'll just have a really narrow toenail for the rest of my life, haha. So that's my news. So we sat in the chapel calling people to come have lessons the next day, cause I couldn't walk. But by thursday I was fine. Then we just had a really hard four days. But my faith is unshaken. The Lord is ready to expand his kingdom exponentially, and I know it because there are going to be seventy six new missionaries in the next three months. That just means your boy is going to be training real soon. Possibly in two weeks (I don't think so) but very probably at the end of next change.

Bekah, I got your letter. I already sent a reply. I have not had any more baptisms, the people are hardening their hearts. I love my new companion. We are best friends. We have a hard time speaking spanish because we're cracking jokes too much. I also got two packages this week. The camera is funcional, so I'll start sending pictures now and then. 

I'm eating well, sleeping well, everything is going just fine. I'm feeling sad, because I think I'm experiencing that missionary sixth sense that tells you when you're leaving your area. We'll see. I love working here because the task is so immense. At times it seems impossible. The branch president is only in town sundays, the branch mission leader is inactive, there's only two worthy priesthood holders, and one's in a wheel chair. A lot falls on us. So we have to rely on the lord a ton. But I'm ready to throw myself at this the last two weeks I have here.

Love you guys! 

Elder Andy

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